Sunday, January 22, 2017

Cheesy Browned Butter Cauliflower Mash

8 servings

2 yellow onions, finely chopped
3 T butter, for frying
3 lbs cauliflower (or 2lbs ready-made cauliflower rice)
1 1/2 C heavy cream
10 oz shredded cheddar
1 t sea salt
1/2 t black pepper
6 oz butter

1. Fry onions in a generous amount of butter, until soft and golden in color, but not brown. Set aside.
2. Use food processor to rice cauliflower florets.
3. Pour heavy cream in a pan. Stir in the cauliflower rice and boil on medium heat. Simmer 10-15 minutes, until cauliflower is thoroughly cooked.
4. Salt and pepper to taste. Add fried onion and shredded cheese. Mix well and keep hot.
5. Saute butter on medium heat in a pan, until amber colored, for a nice and nutty taste. Serve the butter with the mash.


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